Cookouts and Hangouts
The what I thought was a “going away party” turned into a cookout and hangout at our new home. The oven did not go. So we only moved our big pieces of furniture. We will wait for the oven. The word came that we were going to cook out instead. So about 10:30 fires started being built in our yard… the time I arrived at 11:30 the cooking was well under way. A great big bag of corn had been brought in. Our neighbors and friends were using electric fans to help circulate enough air for the fires. Children were jumping on the trampoline. Everyone was really relaxed and happy. Chairs were brought out and set under the tree’s. Eating began as the cooking continued. A massive pot of rice simmered over a low fire. Different meats were cooked over a griddle that they were using hot coconuts at the “charcoal bricks”. I was intrigued at the culture and creative cooking means.
When dishes of food were ready to be served they were set on a table and long banana leaves rested on top to keep the flies off. Some ate with banana leaves as their plates, many ate with fingers, and few brought plates. When all the eating was over, there was so much left over food. So they divided it up for the week. Much talking and sharing took place. Our plane mechanics one week old baby came toward the end of the feasting. We had some water balloons from America. At first the children did not know you could throw them at each other. Once they understood it was OK…..much chasing and wet clothes danced about the yard.
It was such a fun first event at our almost moved into new home. We enjoyed hanging out with our new friends. Learning new ways to do things. Our hearts are warmed as we are embracing those around us.
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