Because of Bob
This past week marked a year since the day when Bob crashed. We still look back and wonder, Why? We press forward, with the hope that one day it will all make sense. Pastor Rob was inspired to come see what he could do to help support and inspire missions and missionaries after hearing of Bob’s crash. Pastor Rob runs a ministry of summer camp, that has impacted my boy’s lives every summer. Without any hesitation, Summer Camp, would be at the top of Aubrey and Andrew’s summer highlights. Often over family vacations (ouch). Their one week experiences at summer camp have not only taught them to love wake boarding and have an incredible time with old and new friends, but they have also had many spiritual “high” moments there. So to have Pastor Rob come to Papua, Indonesia…..was in essence bringing a little bit of favorite summer memories to our doorstep. As the calendar would reveal, there was only one great date for Past...