Letting Go and Fighting Hard for LIFE!!!!
I am ashamed to say that somewhere in the weeks of preparing for our two oldest sons to leave the nest, the urgency and criticalness of his little life were lost on me. In the back of my mind I knew that there was a LITTLE boy. WEIGH to LITTLE (an intentional spelling mistake!!!!). I just couldn’t get to him. The last two weeks of May were filled to the brim. Both with activities and preparations of graduation, of boys taking that step of leaving the family with only the intentions of coming back to visit. They were also filled to the brim with emotions. Oh mercy. This Mommy didn’t like the process of letting two boys go at once. Couldn’t they take turns or go in order? On one hand I was rejoicing at their success and maturity and achievements and goals and on the other hand I was grieving their double departure. I grasped for every moment to play another game of tennis or linger for another little talk or savor one more meal ...