Jungle Non Sky Team Members
Imagine the small bush plane landing on the jungle grass airstrip. Upon landing there are so many things on the pilots mind. Passengers getting off and all their things. New passengers jostling for a ticket on. Limited seats. Limited weight. Limited fuel. Fuel awareness. Weather awareness. Time awareness. I’m guessing that there are many more things on a pilots mind. These are just the obvious things. On grass airstrips there are no secretaries taking money and selling tickets. There is no hanger help, fueling the plane or loading the items or calculating the weight. Nope. In the middle of the bush, it is up to one man. The pilot. That is how Simpson’s mother slid onto the plane with her baby. Oh her presence was noted, but there was too much going on for it all to be processed what her intentions were. And normally this is not the pilots job, to ask flying sky team members and non members…....