
Showing posts from 2024

Getting "Unblocked"

 Roadblock.  Find an alternative route.  Artery block. Get a stent.  Drain block.  Try Drano.  Dig out the hair.  If all else fails, call a plumber.  Writer's block.  Pray.  Ask God for inspiration.  And simply try again.  I've been praying.  Let's see... Thirteen years of overseas work have clicked by.  Leaving us behind on all the modern lingo in our country.  Our young adult say phrases that we have no idea what they mean.  We don't know how to use our credit cards: where to tap, which way to insert.  It is quite embarrassing. Things keep developing, while we are away, and we are left behind.  Simple things, small things, but it is always a bit of an awakening to the reality that life changes in countries.  Recently, I was driving through the town where we resided prior to moving to Indonesia and then later Lebanon.  The question went through my mind, "Ruth what if you still lived here and had never left?" I thought about still living there.  Just over the

Coming Home (part 1)

We were in the States over the winter holidays, and it was deeply special to connect with those we love dearly.  To peer into their worlds and linger over meals, Frisbee golf, puppy snuggles, and Rosie snuggles too.  We are incredibly grateful for the time and the home that was leant to us.  Auto pilot mode kicked in as our last few days in the States came to an end.  I started packing the bags, making sure our overseas friend's orders had arrived, running to get final last-minute things on our essential supply list, remembering "we thought of you" gifts, laundry, leaving the house clean and orderly, writing thank you notes, having closure conversations with our kids and....  After doing this for 12 year I have begun to turn off my emotions as we prepare to return.  Just get the bags to weigh under 23 kg and the the to-do list done.  Stay focused. Don't be emotional.  You would think it gets easier.  For

Coming Home (part 2)

 I wrote part 1, over two, maybe three weeks ago and have felt unmotivated to publish it… Why?  I’m not sure. Perhaps because I am still struggling some days with this divided heart feeling. But God has been whispering ALL over it in the sweetest, most gentle, and encouraging way and I need to testify to His goodness. For several years I have been convicted to start memorizing scripture again.  Ashamedly, I have ignored that inner prompting for years.  In the New Year, one of my dear friends here mentioned that she was memorizing scripture.  She inspired me to join her and be accountable each week to share what I have learned with her. I have been memorizing John 15 in small junks.  And when I started really trying to hide verse 11 in my heart, I was so delighted to learn that God wants more for me than a divided heart.  I invite you to listen to this verse of Jesus speaking, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”  The pr