Hello Heart, Where is the Head?
Imagine with me……my kitchen starting to bustle with veggies fresh from the market being washed, breakfast dishes being put away, ingredients and pans coming out for bread making. The bulging familiar bag is packed and sitting by the door. This bag equals only one truth in my HEART, my husband the HEAD of our family, is leaving again. Hubby is sitting on the bar stool. I’m standing opposite him, fussing with something in the kitchen……maybe peeling dozens of ripe bananas to be thrown in the freezer for smoothies later. And the HEAD starts talking to the HEART about her baking ministry. 5 minutes before we need to leave for the airport!!!! Before I tell you more about that conversation allow me to introduce you to HEART (me) and HEAD (Darron). We have been married almost 20 years now and function quite well, HEART and HEAD together. Darron and I both have a passion for wanting to empower and equip people who are in need. Darron is alr...