Another Leap in Faith

It is with great joy, much prayer, and honestly a little bit of fear as I make the transition from working half time at a "real" job to working full time with Woven Dignity.  For months I have known that something needed to change as the hours in the day didn't match the expectations and commitments that I had made.  This was a very difficult decision to make as everything felt "important".  However, it became very clear to me that I had originally moved to Lebanon with the excitement and "calling" to help refugees and ultimately this is what helped me to solidify this decision. It is important to mention that the book, The Best Yes, by Lysa TerKeurst influenced me greatly.

There were some amazing opportunities with my job.  I traveled so much.  However, as exciting (or draining) as traveling can be, there was a need for FOCUS.  I was just stretched all over the place.  I am sure many of you can relate.  

So as I take this leap from employed to unemployed, I ask for your prayers.  I and my amazing team do feel that this will have beautiful dividends for refugee women. My heart is indebted to you all for your interest and support.  Also, to the Woven Dignity team for standing faithfully by my side in determination and enthusiasm.   

It has been lovely to be "home" in May and attend our youngest childs high school graduation. The end of an era. Also to spend time with all the family in one time and place and extended family also. Priceless.

If you are curious about the non-profit Woven Dignity, you can click here and learn more!



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