We Americans are used to thinking about having to deworm our pets, but to deworm our kids (and the parents too) pushes the comfort zone of our American minds. Here in Papua it is recommended that every 3 to 4 months each family takes worm medicine. Darron was noting that within several hours of eating he was ravenously hungry again and again. Shortly after his treatment of worm medicine he noted a long tape worm that had exited his body. Wrap your mind around that! So not only do we think about worms in our bodies, but they also LOVE flour. I try so hard to buy the bags of flour that look worm free. Inevitably, bags come home with worms. Usually I will sift the flour if I am suspicious. But I must admit there are times I am too busy and in the worms must go. Wrap your mind around that! So the beans, legumes, seeds, flour, oats, popcorn, cashews (in the stores) can just be crawling with bugs. I am so looking forward ...