Garlic Presses and Humble Servants
I’m not quite sure how and why I say yes……but I do and so this last Monday found me preparing for around 20 pastors wives to come to my home and learn how to cook American. I was kind of in denial about it all the way up until Monday morning when denial needed a kick in the pants. At that point, in between a full day of home schooling I weaved in a trip to the market, hunting down 50+ extra plates, extra drinking containers and food prep. Fortunately I was not alone. My house helper joyfully put in a 12 hour day. And my new blessed cook showed up at 2p.m. to help prep all the food. I home schooled until noon. It is amazing what can be accomplished in the school room when “teacher” has an agenda. Then beside feeding my hungry gang at noon, all of the above stuff and translating recipe’s into Indonesian……whew, I was worn out before anyone arrived. The event was set for “sore” which means latish afternoon, but at 2:30 I hear the dogs bark a...