“You Can’t Write This In Your Blog”
Last Saturday we joined the faculty for the Adventist school and church members at the beach. Most of them had left the afternoon before to camp. At 3 in the morning it rained so hard and continued raining until 6 a.m. Just the thought of riding on the boat in possible rain was enough to make all of us not want to go. However, when I am the speaker for the day…..kind of hard to make wimpy excuses like, “It was raining, so we didn’t feel like coming”. So this grass widow, awoke the children, fed them breakfast, packed the lunches, gathered the gear and out we headed for a day of ministry by 7 a.m.. Jan and Bob Roberts kindly joined our excursion, despite the fact that they had only been back in Papua 48 hours.
As I have mentioned before this is one of my most favorite drives in Papua. Something about forging rivers, dodging dogs, chickens, cows, people, potholes and then at last catching glimpses of the sea peering through tropical leaves is just a refreshing treat. Love, Love, LOVE the water in Papua. Clear, vivid blue, warm.
A 15 minute boat ride brought us to the multitudes of tents. And happy people, despite the downpour which left many of them scooping water out of their tents. Everyone was already gathered for church. It wasn’t long before I was up and sharing about marriage. Borrowing many of the thoughts from the video series, “Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage”. Which is your best bang out of $50.00 that you could ever get. When I was asked to speak a week before (typical amount of time before an event) they told me that there would be very few students present as it was a school break. However, over 60 students were present. So….they got to learn all about the differences between men and women’s brains. Not bad information for kids to know. Even at the breakfast table this morning the boys and I had a 20 minute discussion on “What are the boxes in a men’s brain?” For those of you who know my boys……it was a very lively discussion. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to blog about it. : )
Yes, this is the age of children who say, “This cannot go on Facebook” or “You can’t write this in your blog.” I never remember saying that to my parents!!!! LOL!
The rest of the early afternoon was spent eating and fellowshipping. Children playing in the water. Snorkeling. Hanging out reading in the hammocks. Parents trying to take naps. Part II marriage seminar finished right when the boat arrived to pick us up. Off we road to bounce back home. Content with the activities of a restful day.
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