Dear Boys,
What a gift each one of you are to me! You delight my heart. You make me seriously proud. You challenge me to my very core. Indeed you challenge me, but with respect, and I am willing to dual with that. Movies. PG-13. R. “All my friends are watching them.” “With their parents”. “Can we?” “No.” “Exception: if the message, outweighs the junk.” We set the SAME standard for ourselves (your parents) as we do for you. I’m sorry that this rule has separated you from favorite hang out times with friends. Has set you apart, again . Has frustrated you to the point of cutting strings off my apron (that is healthy, by the way, as long as you don’t whack off all the strings at one time). What is the underlying principal that motivates us to tow this heavy boundary? It is the text, “I will set nothing wicked before my eyes.” Psalm 101:3. It is the scriptures that talks about by “beholding you will become changed”....