Faster, Faster, Faster, MOM!

Comfort zones.  Is it really time to be pushed out of one more???!  Isn’t driving  a car in Indonesia, enough??!  Apparently not.  The time has arrived.  Sigh.  Fear.  Anxiety.  Wanting to crawl into fetal position and NOT DO THIS.  However, my kids saw the need.  Made me face the task.  Especially my oldest Man Child.  He took it as his duty.  His job. 






Yes, the motorbike.  Over Christmas break, Aubrey became my teacher.  Several days he would grab the keys, helmets and bug me, pursue me, until I climbed on the bike and faced my fears.  He would sit behind me and give instructions into my ears.  So patient. So calming.  Matter of fact.  Practical.   “Indicate, lean on the curves, honk your horn, let off when you change gears.”  As we practiced hill runs he would shout over the wind, “GO, GO, GO, FASTER, FASTER, FASTER……”  And when my heart would calm down into the rhythm of the machine I would smile at the irony of it all.  Son teaching Mother.  “The roles are beginning to reverse”, I mumble to him, later in the comfort of our home.   “So soon!?!”, he says in disbelief himself.  Yes….so soon.


Not only is Mother driving the motorcycle, but Nathaniel has entered 5th grade at the International School.  SO SOON!?!!!!  This has been the real need behind having to learn to ride the motor bike on these crazy Indonesian roads.  The first day I had to pick him up on the bike, I am not sure who was more nervous, the boy or the Mom.  We were a bit wobbly, but we made it home! : )




A friend reminds me, that when I was encouraging her to face her fears about driving here, I would tell her, “Soon you might actually come to love it, in a crazy sort of way. I do!”  Likewise, many of my girl friends are encouraging me as they prefer driving their motor bikes over their cars.  They feel they can get around all the traffic more easily and pop into stores quicker.  Already, after only a few weeks  of solo motor bike riding without my man child teacher, my fears are greatly reduced and I half way look forward to the new challenge.

So as we continue daily to face new boundaries.  As we continue to  be pushed  out of our comfort zones, we covet your prayers.  For safety.  For wisdom.  For joy in the journey. Motor bike or car.







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